Feb 2016
DENR Assistant Secretary Corazon Davis presented the ASEAN Framework for Environmentally Sustainable Cities (ESC) and Eco-schools. ESC are cities or urban areas that are environmentally sustainable while meeting the social and economic needs of the people as outlined in the ASCC Blueprint (2009 – 2015). The ESC Award aims to make ASEAN cities environmentally sustainable by recognizing exemplary efforts and sharing best indigenous practices to keep cities clean, green and liveable. The National Environmental Awareness and Education Act, alongside with the ASEAN Environmental Education Action Plan (2014-2018) promotes eco-schools. The Philippines’ search......
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Traditional Knowledge in Environmental Governance
Early humans have enjoyed close relationship with nature as indicated by the knowledge, innovations, and practices of indigenous and local communities. The case study of the Ifugaos, entitled Community-based Monitoring System for Restoring Balance, described their traditional monitoring and management systems like the “do nothing” to minimal economic activities and resource sharing. Threats to indigenous way of life include land use change and media. The indigenous territory management and indigenous socio-political cultural systems embrace...
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Ecosystem Governance
The principles in ecosystem governance that Mayor Maquiabas employed in running their municipality’s activities include: – Strengthening leadership cognizant to better risk reduction and management, and climate change adaptation initiatives – Building a culture that is committed to the preservation of the environment – Building people for peace and development, by way of people empowerment thru continuing education and community participation – Demonstrating local green action and political will
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SALt Lamp
The SALt Lamp is a lamp with 90 lumens equivalent to seven candlepower powered by saltwater thus it can light up those in the coastal communities and those in the remotest barrios in the hinterlands. With two tablespoons of salt in one glass of tap water, the lamp runs for eight (8) hours. It is cost effective, safe and environment-friendly. With the objective of lighting up sustainably the whole nation and to help the...
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Micro-mini Dams
Hedcor, a subsidiary of Aboitiz Power Corporation is the leading developer of run- off-river hydropower plants in the Philippines for 37 years. It develops energy sources that are locally available, can be constantly replenished, and have little adverse effects to the environment. The Run-off River Scheme is a type of hydropower generation that uses the natural flow and elevation drop of a river to generate electricity. The company has developed and built several hydro...
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Green Economic Development: Driver for Competitiveness and Innovation of the Industry and Services in the Philippines
The Green Growth Program of DTI Climate Smart Industries and Services is one of the desired outcomes in the 2010 National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP). Climate change and green growth is one of the future-oriented themes in the 2011 – 2016 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Development Plan. Similarly, in Chapter 3 of the Competitive Industry and Service Sectors of the 2011 – 2016 Philippine Development Plan (PDP), “greening” was introduced by...
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Community-based Renewable Energy Systems (CBRES) Model
Community-based Renewable Energy Systems (CBRES) is a model for renewable energy development that has been promoted by SIBAT since 1995. It provides need- based energy, and in the rural context of the country, these are household and community lighting, community services, livelihood, and non-power needs. It can provide reliable, affordable and adequate energy access to communities. Aside from SIBAT’s CBRES, there are 61 community-based renewable energy micro hydro power systems in the Cordillera Administrative...
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Prayer from the NGOs
God of Glory, God of Grace, we lament the destruction that our greed, consumerism, and endless pursuit of “more” have wrought upon Your beautiful creation. We repent for the misguided choices that we have made and the resulting fragility, devastation, and spoiling of Your earth, Your air, Your seas, and Your creatures. Open our eyes, Lord, that we might follow Your path. We pray for the preservation of wildlife habitats, for the strength of...
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Zero Waste Water Facility
A lot of water currently is wasted because of inefficient harvesting and treatment. There are a number of zero wastewater initiatives like wastewater treatment system, decentralized wastewater treatment system, rainwater harvesting and detention pond that may help solve the problem. In a wastewater treatment system, water from a septic tank goes through a collection bin, filter system and then exposed to ultraviolet treatment. While in rainwater harvesting, rainwater is captured by a cistern, then...
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Ram Pump
Ram pump is a pump that requires no electricity or fuel. It uses only the kinetic energy of flowing water to push water to an upland tank. The collected water is then piped down into faucets constructed in the community. The ram pump is effective, easy to install, low maintenance, sustainable and can supply water for the agricultural needs of a community. The key social requirements for site selection for the ram pump include:...
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