Mainstreaming E-vehicles: Thinking out of the Box

Mainstreaming E-vehicles: Thinking out of the Box

This episode’s objective is to provide stimulating discussion on a proposed business model that would open livelihood opportunities to consumers of renewable energy.

If more people patronize EV that are powered by coal, we will worsen availability, economic challenges in dealing with fuel, and enhance climate boiling. The proposed business model facilitates circular economy and a resolution will be drafted to create a core group that will work towards the realization of the objectives discussed during the forum

Dir. Patrick T. Aquino, Energy Utilization Mgt Bureau, DOE

He discussed EVIDA law and CREVI (comprehensive road map for electric vehicle industry). Discussed targets of government.

Rene Pineda, President, Partnership for Clean Air

He presented a business model for electric vehicles to democratize the industry. Rene’s business model recommends that another industry takes charge of the battery-production, charging from RE (to be mandated by govt), Mgt of disposal, Etc. Charging using RE will make it cheaper and ready for immediate use by e-vehicles (more efficient) The model makes EV cheaper and opens business opportunities for consumers of solar rooftop to be a charging station using their excess unused energy. the sale of electronic vehicles should be w/o the batteries. Analogy- buying a car does not include the gasoline.

Dr. Mylene Cayetano, Scientist & Professor, UP Institute of Environmental Science & Meteorology

Her 2storey house is powered by the 5kW energy from her solar rooftop. Dr. Mylene calculated the benefits she would enjoy if her excess power was to be used for a charging business compared to what is offered by the net metering scheme.

Aryanne de Ocampo, Senior Campaigner, Center for Energy, Ecology & Development

She discussed the 10M rooftop challenge that CEED recently launched. Households could pull together excess power from their system and make these accessible to others. This would eliminate generation, distribution and other costs normally paid by consumers, who source energy from the grid. Participants were excited at the exciting prospect and will continue to work together and discuss how the business model can be presented to the government for inclusion in the country’s road map.


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