Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment
Priority Strategies
Subsector Outcome 1: Sustained Functioning of Ecosystem Services
Intensify sustainable management of natural resources through adoption of ridge-to-reef approach and integrated area development
- Reverse the loss of forest cover through sustained rehabilitation of degraded forest lands including critical watersheds & major river basins
- Complete delineation of final forest limits and delineation/delimitation and zoning of watersheds and municipal waters
- Effectively manage the protected areas and enforce law against illegal trade of wildlife species
- Improve land administration and management (i.e. enhance access to land information, management of conflicts)
- Strengthen enforcement of laws and management of coastal and marine
areas - Complete Identify strategic economic zones for production of fish and
other marine products - Intensify research on the country’s biodiversity including terrestrial and
coastal and marine habitats and resources - Improve the management of priority inland wetlands and caves
- Identify innovative sustainable financing schemes for resource
management - Improve self-sufficiency in the country’s wood and non-timber requirements and making the forestry sector a significant contributor to the economy
Expand development of resource-based enterprises/industries
- Promote sustainable forest-based (timber and non-timber) and sustainable marine-based industries [refer to AFF and I&S Chapters]
- Develop system for access and benefit sharing of wealth from genetic resources
- Improve system of collection and increase share from appropriate fees and fines in areas covered by tenure (e.g. foreshore lease areas, SAPA, etc)
- Promotion and development of ecotourism and cultural sites [refer to AFF, I&S, and Cultural Awareness Chapters]
Mainstream ecosystem values into national and local development planning
- Develop policy for Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) and polluters pay
- Institutionalization of natural resources monitoring
system and environment and natural resources
Subsector Outcome 2: Improved Environmental Quality
Strengthen enforcement of environmental laws
Air Quality Management
- Promote environmentally-sustainable transport including clean fuels and mass transport system
- Strengthen enforcement of anti-smoke belching campaign and vehicle emission testing
- Increase quantity and efficiency of air quality monitoring stations
Water Quality Management
- Improve wastewater management by increasing the number of domestic and industrial wastewater treatment facilities in water districts/LGUs
- Identify pollutants in priority river systems and implement appropriate management interventions
Land Quality Management
- Promote sustainable land management (SLM) to contribute to land degradation neutrality (i.e. soil fertility, soil & water conservation technologies, etc.)
- Improve management of wastes including solid, toxic and hazardous wastes
- Transform abandoned mines/mined-out areas into final land use beneficial to communities through implementation of environmental
management plans
Promote Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP)
- Establish sustainable market for recyclables and recycled products;
- Develop, promote and transfer cleaner production technologies, including water and energy-efficient practices (e.g. rainwater catchment facility, cleaner fuels and engine, energy efficient facilities/green buildings) [cross refer to I&S, Infrastructure, STI Chapters]
- Strengthen certification and establish information systems for green products and services
- Promote green procurement in both private and public sectors;
- Promote environmentally-sustainable transport (EST) including mass transport system [cross refer to I&S, Infrastructure, STI Chapters]
Subsector Outcome 3: Increased adaptive capacities and resilience of ecosystems
Strengthen implementation of CCA and DRR, particularly at the local level across sectors.
- Develop, maintain and make available and accessible climate and geospatial information and services, including integrated risk information system in a standardized format/scale
- Develop data protocol to facilitate access and sharing of available scientific researches/studies, geospatial information and climate projection
- Continue to mainstream CC and DRRM in national and local development plans and policies and education system (cut across Chapters of the PDP)
- Promote climate-resilient structures and designs following established measures and standards by DPWH, HLURB, DILG, DSWD and other government agencies (refer to infrastructure Development, AFF, I&S, Building Resiliency and Social Protection Chapters)
- Identify technological and research priorities and capacity needs on CC and DRRM (refer to Expanding Economic Opportunities in Industry, STI, and Infrastructure Development Chapters)
- Strengthen access to existing CC and DRRM financing and risk transfer mechanisms including promotion campaign (refer to Social Protection Chapter)
- Promote preparation of business continuity planning (refer to I&S Chapter)
Strengthen implementation of response, recovery and rehabilitation efforts.
- Strengthen mechanism to conduct the Post/Rapid Disaster Needs Assessment (P/RDNA)
- Revisit existing policies on post disaster housing and resettlement programs including those related to land development (refer to Social Protection Chapter)
Strengthen Monitoring and Evaluation of effectiveness of CC and DRRM actions
- Identification of more appropriate indicator to measure adaptive capacity and resiliency (including indicator of resiliency of natural resources/ecosystems) vis-à-vis SDGs and SFDRR (cut across Chapters of the PDP)
- Development of database that would measure emission reduction per sector (including aviation and maritime)
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