Feb 2016
ENGR. JEAN ROSETE is the chief of the Air Quality Management Section under the Environmental Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. EMB-AQMS is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of R.A 8749 or the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999. Its primary goal is to come out with a comprehensive national program to achieve and maintain Air Quality that meets the National Air Quality Guidelines for Criteria Pollutants and their Emissions Standards while minimizing the possible associated negative impacts on the country’s economy. There are three man-made sources......
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Inclusive Mobility Conceptual Framework
JULIA NEBRIJA recently graduated with a Master of Urban Design from the City College of New York, Bernanrd and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture. She earned her undergraduate degree in International Affairs with concentrations in International Development and Latin America, at the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University, in Washington, DC. As a volunteer, student, intern, and professional, Julia has directed her energy towards understanding global development issues and helping...
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Clean Cooking Stove
DR. MYLENE G. CAYETANO is a Balik (Returning) – Scientist Fellow of the Department of Science and Technology. She is currently minting her career as an assistant professor at the Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology in the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City. She had her stint as an air quality specialist at Clean Air Asia, where she concentrates on local and international projects such as Dispersion Modelling of particulate matter...
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Technical Innovations for Clean Air
ENGR. REYNALDO ESGUERRA, a licensed chemical engineer, has over 30 years of experience in environmental management that includes research; policy studies; design of waste treatment facilities; water quality monitoring; and environmental management system. At present, he is the Chief of Environment and Biotechnology Division of Industrial Technology Development Institute. He was program coordinator of the DOST Flagship Program on “Integrated Program on Cleaner Production Technologies”. This Program and other projects that he was involved...
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Healthy Air
The session on Healthy Air was chaired by ATTY. GLYNDA BATERINA- BATHAN, the Deputy Executive Director of Clean Air Asia. The moderator was MS. ELENIDA BASUG, the current Chief of the Environmental Education and Information Division (EEID) at the Environment Management Bureau under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). Five expert trainers from both the private and government organizations/institutions served as resource persons in this session. Chairperson’s Overview: Reducing air pollution can...
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Healthy Water
The session on Healthy Water was chaired by ATTY. ANTONIO A. OPOSA, JR. He pioneered the practice of Environmental Law in the Philippines and is one of Asia’s leading voices in the international arena of Environmental Law. He was conferred with the Ramon Magsaysay Award in 2009 for “his path- breaking and passionate crusade to engage Filipinos in acts of enlightened citizenship that maximize the power of law to protect and nurture the environment...
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Healthy Environment by David Suzuki, Ph. D.
First of all, I would like to congratulate the organizers of the first of what I hope will be a continuing series of conferences bringing together all of the people that are concerned about the environment in this beautiful, that you call your country. I would like to congratulate all of you who are participating in this conferences and will discuss some very, very important issues ranging from food to the environment, to energy...
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Zero Waste Water Facility
A lot of water currently is wasted because of inefficient harvesting and treatment. There are a number of zero wastewater initiatives like wastewater treatment system, decentralized wastewater treatment system, rainwater harvesting and detention pond that may help solve the problem. In a wastewater treatment system, water from a septic tank goes through a collection bin, filter system and then exposed to ultraviolet treatment. While in rainwater harvesting, rainwater is captured by a cistern, then...
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Ram Pump
Ram pump is a pump that requires no electricity or fuel. It uses only the kinetic energy of flowing water to push water to an upland tank. The collected water is then piped down into faucets constructed in the community. The ram pump is effective, easy to install, low maintenance, sustainable and can supply water for the agricultural needs of a community. The key social requirements for site selection for the ram pump include:...
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National Greening Program Success Stories
The worsening forest destruction in the country has brought disasters especially during typhoons. To help address the issue, President Benigno Aquino III signed Executive Order No. 23 declaring a moratorium on the harvesting of timber in forests nationwide and creating the Anti-Illegal Logging Task Force. With strengthened forest monitoring, further forest destruction has been prevented. Nineteen (19) logging concessions were closed down and more than 32,000 board feet of illegal timber were confiscated. More...
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