Author Archives: greenconvergence


in Safe Food, Updates

Benefits of Raw Food

Raw food, being 100% natural and minimally processed is rich in dietary fiber, life- giving enzymes, minerals, water and vitamins. It therefore is healthier, and promotes long life. When heated to more than about 43˚C/118˚F,...

February 09, 2016
in Safe Food, Updates

Food as Medicine

The rates of obesity and chronic diseases have increased significantly because we have shifted away from natural remedies and rely on processed, fatty and sugar-laden food diet. Quoting Hippocrates, “Let thy food be thy medicine,...

February 09, 2016
in Safe Food, Updates

Back to Basics

The Biomedical Approach is an intervention that involves dietary modification and targeted nutritional supplementing with an aim to correct underlying abnormalities seen in the children. The approach which they adopted inspired many life-changing decisions in...

February 09, 2016
in Safe Food

Health and Food

The session on Health and Food was chaired by Grace Bernadette Padilla Chua, a board member of Consumer Rights for Safe Food which is a non-profit, non- governmental organization formed to educate consumers about choosing...

February 09, 2016
in Safe Food, Updates

Organic Meat

There are advantages of organic farming and the benefits derived from organically grown foods. He shifted into organic farming and shared some tips on how to raise organic meat and poultry using probiotics and other...

February 09, 2016
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