Benefits of Raw Food

Raw food, being 100% natural and minimally processed is rich in dietary fiber, life- giving enzymes, minerals, water and vitamins. It therefore is healthier, and promotes long life. When heated to more than about 43˚C/118˚F, foods lose more than 85% of their enzymes which our body needs. Below are some considerations in raw vegan food preparation:

1. Choose local and organic. Since there is no cooking involved, buy organic fruits and vegetables. Buying local produce is supporting local farmers and reducing your carbon footprint.

2. Remember the acid/alkaline balance. An acidic body is less able to absorb the nutrients from the food and is more susceptible to diseases. For a healthier body, choose more alkaline food such as fruits, green vegetables, peas, beans, lentils, spices, herbs, seasoning, seeds and nuts – mostly food that may be eaten raw, and less acid-forming food such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, grains, and legumes.

3. Consider the sugar content. Eating raw vegan does not always mean you are eating well and healthy. Think of glycemic index (GI) which measures how quickly the blood sugar rise after eating food. The lower the GI, the better it is for the body.

4. Consider juicing. When using nuts, remember to soak them first. Nuts have enzymes inhibitors, which makes it harder for you to digest which defeats the purpose of eating raw.

5. Consider sprouting your nuts and seeds. Other than giving new flavor to your dishes, this makes it easier for your body to digest.

6. Think fermented foods and the benefits of probiotics.

7. Think of proper food combination more than the taste. In raw food, we can get a hint of most if not all of the tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami.

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