Feb 2016
MA. SUSAN RACHEL JOSE is the chief technical advisor for the Project Climate Twin Phoenix, a project that envisioned to be the first stage of a more comprehensive and long term capacity development program for cities and municipalities to manage risks from climate change and climate-related natural hazards. With technical assistance from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), and implementation by the Climate Change Commission (CCC), the project aims to strengthen the stakeholders’ institutional capacity and individual competency on climate/disaster risk management and to......
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Budget Tagging for CCA / DRRM Projects
RONALDO U. TOLEDO is the Director of the Fiscal Planning Bureau (FPB) Department of Budget and Management (DBM). As the Director, he supervises the operations of the bureau in its conduct of fiscal policy research and planning, development of fiscal and budgeting frameworks, (including multi-year and annual budget ceilings and forward estimates), formulation of annual and quarterly whole-of-government allotment and cash release programs, and monitoring of macroeconomic developments and their impact on the budget....
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The breakout session on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Measures was led by ATTY. ANGELA CONSUELO IBAY, head of Climate Change and Energy Program, WWF and the Program Coordinator of the Klima Climate Change Center. DR. MARY JEAN CALEDA, Associate Dean for Research and Governance Practice, Ateneo School of Government moderated the session. We live in the anthropocene, a period in which human actions play a major role in shaping the biosphere and its...
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