Feb 2016

JOHN TAN LEE is the president of Applied Machining Corporation and Nito Seiki Manufacturing Corporation. He is also the Director of the Philippine Utility Vehicle Inc. and the current President of Aerospace Industries Association of the Philippines. He is a Board Member of the Electric Vehicle Association of the Philippines which holds the annual Philippine Electric Vehicle Summit. The collaboration between the Philippine Utility Vehicle Incorporated (PhUV) and Green Renewable Independent Power Producer (GRIPP) created the Makati Green Route. This started the electric green revolution. Similar projects were done but were not......
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Implementing Euro 4
ENGR. JEAN ROSETE is the chief of the Air Quality Management Section under the Environmental Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. EMB-AQMS is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of R.A 8749 or the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999. Its primary goal is to come out with a comprehensive national program to achieve and maintain Air Quality that meets the National Air Quality Guidelines for Criteria Pollutants and their...
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Inclusive Mobility Conceptual Framework
JULIA NEBRIJA recently graduated with a Master of Urban Design from the City College of New York, Bernanrd and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture. She earned her undergraduate degree in International Affairs with concentrations in International Development and Latin America, at the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University, in Washington, DC. As a volunteer, student, intern, and professional, Julia has directed her energy towards understanding global development issues and helping...
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Clean Cooking Stove
DR. MYLENE G. CAYETANO is a Balik (Returning) – Scientist Fellow of the Department of Science and Technology. She is currently minting her career as an assistant professor at the Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology in the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City. She had her stint as an air quality specialist at Clean Air Asia, where she concentrates on local and international projects such as Dispersion Modelling of particulate matter...
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Healthy Air
The session on Healthy Air was chaired by ATTY. GLYNDA BATERINA- BATHAN, the Deputy Executive Director of Clean Air Asia. The moderator was MS. ELENIDA BASUG, the current Chief of the Environmental Education and Information Division (EEID) at the Environment Management Bureau under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). Five expert trainers from both the private and government organizations/institutions served as resource persons in this session. Chairperson’s Overview: Reducing air pollution can...
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