Feb 2016
JOHN TAN LEE is the president of Applied Machining Corporation and Nito Seiki Manufacturing Corporation. He is also the Director of the Philippine Utility Vehicle Inc. and the current President of Aerospace Industries Association of the Philippines. He is a Board Member of the Electric Vehicle Association of the Philippines which holds the annual Philippine Electric Vehicle Summit. The collaboration between the Philippine Utility Vehicle Incorporated (PhUV) and Green Renewable Independent Power Producer (GRIPP) created the Makati Green Route. This started the electric green revolution. Similar projects were done but were not......
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Eel Industry
JUAN RAÑA is the chairman of Integrated Growers and Traders (IGAT), a private sector-led voluntary, self-help and selfregulating association composed of Philippine Eel Industry stakeholders. It is organized to promote the interest of the Philippines in general and the eel industry in particular. The acronym “igat” is a Filipino word for eel. The drop in the world’s eel stock tremendously favors the Philippine eel industry. The dwindling supply in Japan, the biggest market for...
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Organic Agriculture
Organic agriculture promotes an ecologically sound, socially acceptable and economically viable and technically feasible production of food. This is through the reduction of external inputs by avoiding the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and pharmaceuticals, while enhancing productivity without destroying the soil and harming farmers, consumers and the environment. The elements of organic crop production include soil management, crop management or multiple cropping, seeds and planting materials and pest management. Soil management involves composting,...
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