Prayer from the Business Sector

Dear Lord, Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Please bless this conference and all its participants.
Guide us with Your goodness and mercy.
Give us the resolve and commitment to protect Your creation.
Grant us the courage to do Your will and enhance the environment.
Make us instruments of Your will.
Give us the courage and the wisdom to combat climate change,
which is killing us all and Your creation.

Thank You for the air, forest and water.
Thank You for the sun and the moon and all the biodiversity.
Thank You for the forest and oceans and its biodiversity
For they sustain life and sequester the carbon dioxide.

Thank You for the ecology You have given us.
We vow to be guardians of Your creation.
Forgive us for destroying Your creation, for logging Your forest,
for polluting Your oceans, and killing Your species.

Bless us with the light and show us the way to do Your will in peace
and save Your creation.
Bless us all and shower us with the love and courage needed to protect
Your people and planet.
Thank you dear Lord for all of Your blessings.



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