Author Archives: greenconvergence


What's Happening in Green Convergence: 2016
in Updates

What’s Happening in Green Convergence: 2016

January 2016: Preparation for the 1st Philippine Environment Summit 2016-Promotion FEBRUARY 9-11, 2016: 1ST PHILIPPINE ENVIRONMENT SUMMIT, SMX CONVENTION CENTER, PASAY CITY   MARCH 31 – APRIL 1, 2016: GC CORPLANNING, DAUGHTERS OF CHARITY, TAGAYTAY CITY MAY 25,...

September 23, 2016
Piglas Pilipinas
in Updates

Piglas Pilipinas

Over 10,000 people gathered in support of the global movement to break away from the use of fossil fuels to curve too much green house gas emissions, which has caused climate change. The mass was...

May 05, 2016
in Sustainable Economy, Updates

Ecosystem Governance

The principles in ecosystem governance that Mayor Maquiabas employed in running their municipality’s activities include: – Strengthening leadership cognizant to better risk reduction and management, and climate change adaptation initiatives – Building a culture that...

February 11, 2016
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