Author Archives: greenconvergence


in Sustainable Economy, Updates

Ecosystem Governance

The principles in ecosystem governance that Mayor Maquiabas employed in running their municipality’s activities include: – Strengthening leadership cognizant to better risk reduction and management, and climate change adaptation initiatives – Building a culture that...

February 11, 2016
in Sustainable Economy, Updates

SALt Lamp

The SALt Lamp is a lamp with 90 lumens equivalent to seven candlepower powered by saltwater thus it can light up those in the coastal communities and those in the remotest barrios in the hinterlands....

February 11, 2016
in Sustainable Economy, Updates

Micro-mini Dams

Hedcor, a subsidiary of Aboitiz Power Corporation is the leading developer of run- off-river hydropower plants in the Philippines for 37 years. It develops energy sources that are locally available, can be constantly replenished, and...

February 11, 2016
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